Happy Birthday to me!
This upcoming week is my birthday. June 5 to be exact. I am definitely not a birthday person AT ALL. I like to let them quietly slip by and pretend they aren't happening. But for your benefit we are doing 10% off all of next week's orders AND a big discount on the 5 day power bowl delivery. $65 vs the typical $80. Wow!
Use promo code:
BIRTHDAYWISHES to get the 10% off this week.
I have to be honest, this past year has been beautiful and extremely trying all at the same time. I have learned quite a lot, some positive, some negative but lessons all the same.
For one, I am so lucky that I am person who attracts beautiful humans to connect with. I am surrounded by loving friends and family constantly. I thank you you all for your never-ending support. These wonderful people are constantly feeding me the energy I need to get through the tough days and cheering me on during the days of bliss. I love you all. Do not stop telling those glorious people in your tribe how much they mean to you. They can never hear it enough.
But my biggest lesson this year is to let go of my (typically high) expectations. It is one thing to have high expectations for your personal goals, it is a complete other to set expectations for what your life or career should be. If you had sat me down on my last birthday and told me where I would be today, I would have never believed it. Life will never stop throwing you curveballs. It is by finding grace, humility and strength that you can keep hitting those curveballs out of the park. Do your best to take what life gives you in stride. Let go of expectations of what life SHOULD be. This is not feeding your soul.
Find the little things each day that makes your soul shine- that is my birthday wish for you!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Jamieson xo