Take the time

I hope this email finds you well! Who's excited for 70s? I am, I am, I am! 

With beautiful weather coming (and going, ugh, Sunday is 40s again!) this is a reminder to everyone to practice your self care.

I have to own that I am the LAST person on earth who practices self care. I tend to put my work, my dog, my family, my friends, pretty much anything and everything, before myself. Granted, this makes me a giver and that is a beautiful thing to be.

But sometimes we need to practice taking. Taking time for ourselves and our sanity. I cannot tell you how many times I tell myself "tomorrow I will make time for my yoga practice" and I haven't hit my mat since February. Practicing self care is NOT something to put on the back burner. It means being selfish sometimes. It means letting go of the control in other aspects of your life and focusing just on yourself. Can you do that? Can you let go of your tight schedule and set aside time for yourself? 

And self care does not mean grandiose life changes. It means little things like setting aside five minutes to meditate, eating healthier, making better food choices, going for walk after dinner, turning off the tv and reading that book you've been meaning to read for ages.  Self care can be whatever you need it to be. It just needs to be about YOU and only you. 

I am making a vow to begin the self care process. I might not get to om every day but even putting the intentions to do so in the universe will begin the process. What intentions can you set today to work towards more self love? 

I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Jamieson xo