Quiet Successes

How is your week going? I will say that this strange weather from snow storms to rainy and cold to sunshine (and cold) to possible snow again this weekend has made me feel sorta sluggish and once again, unmotivated. I'm ready for a new season mother nature! 

This type of slothful haze has forced me to really dig deep for my daily incentives. We all have to get through our days- from driving kids around to meetings to laundry to all sorts of responsibilities. These are the mundane must-dos every day. I like to call these the quiet successes.

Quiet Successes can be as little (in my case HUGE) as having time for a (not rushed) shower, getting a workout class in, making one meal a day super healthy, actually finishing the laundry (does it ever end?), not forgetting that one item at the grocery store- whatever it is, it deserves a mental cheer! Celebrate ticking those things off your to-do list, as silly as they are. These are your quiet successes- that no one appreciates but YOU!

Our menu for next week is below. Try to add some healthy fuel to your body this upcoming week. With bad weather typically comes bad eating habits. Do your best!

Have a great weekend guys! 
Jamieson xo