Delivery Fee/Driver Tips
Delivery Fee/Driver Tips
from $5.00
You must email us at: to make sure we can deliver to your home. If your order is accepted, we ask that you please add this to your cart for delivery. If you have multiple days of delivery, please add that amount to your cart. This fee goes directly to our delivery person.
ie. 3 days of meals, then please add 3 or $15 to your cart.
We appreciate you taking the time to do this! Our delivery person does too!
We currently only deliver to Darien, Norwalk, New Canaan, Stamford, Westport, Wilton, and Greenwich. Anywhere else, please email us for delivery fee!
Fairfield is $5 per day.
Weston & Ridgefield are $10 base per day. This can change based on distance from our kitchen.
Number of Delivery Days: