Lil' Breakdown of an Insta Post
instagram: @delicatehibiscus
I read this post on Instagram today and I had a lot of thoughts on it. I think it holds a lot of valuable info and I wanted to share it with you:
Work might feed you creatively, but it is not what defines you. Don't let work become your life.
Complaining is a part of our human experience but so is joy. Focus on the latter.
Your physical appearance is impermanent. If you hold tightly to the validation it provides, your self-worth will never be secure.
Making memories & sharing adventures is what will define our lives. That is what will be remembered on your death bed.
More importantly, creating those memories and surrounding yourself with humans who light you up is key. Don’t find commonalities in partying, the gym, your work, etc. But find people who align with your purpose and push and support you to greater heights. Complacency is a disease.
Freedom is key. We equally want to belong but to also feel free. Find a way to attach and not be held down by small minds and arbitrary moments. Freedom is a feeling. You can be strongly held and still feel free.
Stop listening to what “society” says is right. Your soul knows what is right. Follow it. Society doesn’t sleep in your mind at night, you do.
Accomplishments or achievements might boost your spirit temporarily, but they are not your defining moments.
Validation is NEVER external. It’s not found in others or compliments, or social media likes or DMs. It’s found in you and in you alone. Don't rest your worth on the opinion of others.
Love- encompassing it and sharing it in every moment is what creates a life worth living. Period. Full stop.
Through love, connections are formed. Be wildly protective of those connections. Even when love is lost- respect that love existed. It is through genuine love that we transform a mediocre life into a grand one.
A few words on a social media platform can say a lot about our lives and our values. What are you valuing today? And are you paying respect to that value in your daily life? xo