Travel Tips (so far)
It is currently Friday here, and I am in bed in Vietnam, a lovely last-minute stopover to see some old mates of mine. I am loving being in the capital city and experiencing city life again after having an incredible time in laid back Bali. I met so many new friends there and got to see beautiful temples with such healing energy (exactly what I needed) and scuba dived with turtles and manta rays and swam in multiple waterfalls and just so much more that I cannot even explain it all in a blog. Traveling has been the greatest therapy of my life. It was so needed, and I have learned so much about myself and my own strengths. I wanted to share some random tips with you that I hope will help you not only in traveling but in your everyday life. I hope that I can continue to carry this type of energy with me when I return.
A smile and simple hello go a long way. Do it as often as you can. You never know how it is going to change your day or your life.
A portable phone charger is a must if you’re traveling around a lot. It has saved me in moments where I needed GPS or to call a Gojek scooter for a ride a few times.
Complimenting strangers, only in a genuine way, really changes the energy around you and them. Be bold enough to share the love.
You don’t have to catch every single sunset. I have been fighting this sentiment a lot. There is so much to do and see and I want to fit it all in, but it will wear on your physical body. I have missed many sunsets and many sights because I am choosing to listen to my body. It is ok to miss out.
Don’t pack clothes that need to be ironed. Enough said. Also just don’t overpack at all. I am learning this the hard way with my luggage. I will not overpack again.
Each day you have a choice to be your best self, to work towards your highest potential. This applies at any time in your life, but I have really been digging into this idea more than usual while traveling, fully inspired by the people I have met. I am not going to let my days, or this life, pass me by without saying that I lived up to my own personal greatness.
Just say yes. This has been my motto across the board during my travels. I am saying yes to the universe, to any random things that come across my path. And thus far it has led me to great experiences. Saying yes, especially if it is not in your comfort zone is a must. Real adventures start here.
Don’t judge a book by its cover. Seriously though, if I could tell you the number of humans I have met who look like total bums that have no life purpose but are actually early retired, self-made millionaires who have created and run incredible businesses- it’s insane. I’m living for these people. (this leads to my next travel tip)
Be open to people’s stories. Get curious. Ask questions. You never know who you are sitting next to or sharing a sunset with. You will be floored by stranger’s stories if you have the boldness to ask.
Let your inner child out. If you ever have an excuse to just be free and silly- traveling or on vacation is the place to do it. Feed that inner child!
Anyone can tell you a horror story about a place but that’s their story, please find and create your own. I cannot tell you how many people have commented on my social media with warnings about places. I get it, there are dangerous places and situations. I have traveled the world my entire life (literally on a plane for 24-hour journeys as a six-year-old with my little sister in tow by ourselves) and I know how to travel smart. And the only time I’ve been mugged is right down the street from my own home, so don’t listen to people’s fears. Just be smart and you’ll be fine.
Decide each day- do you want your mind to be your prison or your palace? Start each day with a healthy mindset and do let set-in-stone expectations or hopes rule your mind.
Speak to everyone and anyone in any situation you can at all times- elevators, sitting next to someone, whatever it may be, start talking and see what happens. Today alone, I met a Vietnamese man in an elevator who used to live in Connecticut 25 years ago and I met a physician/psychologist at a food market who also runs a nonprofit based on ancestral living for youths and has dinner with Bobby Flay and other famous chefs on the regular. All of this is because I decided to strike up a conversation with a stranger.
If you need a daily awakening and healing, the ocean (or any body of water) is your best friend. It certainly is mine. I have not let a day pass me by without swimming in some body of water.
Get involved in the culture of a place. Don’t just do touristy crap. It is easy to do and has its perks. But meet locals, go to local places, support local businesses, and learn the essence of a place. It is so easy to just book a flight and stay by the pool at a hotel, but you may as well have booked a flight to Florida. It is not worth traveling to a country if you aren’t really willing to get to know it.
Stay connected to the people you meet. Friend them on social media, write them notes, do whatever to stay connected in a real way. You never know what doors may open for you. I am currently in Vietnam at a girlfriend’s house because we have stayed in touch for decades after meeting in a friend’s house in our early 20s. And I already standing invites to London, Germany and Holland by friends I have made this past week. Stay connected folks.
Speak up when you need to. Don’t be passive. There are people who will try to take advantage of the fact that you are not local. Do not let them. I had to argue with a Gojek (uber but with scooters) person over a fare that was supposed to cost 7k rupiah and he tried to charge me 500k rupiah. He left with 10k rupiah. Like, I said travel smart.
Do your best to flow. Just let control and expectations and everything go. Let the universe take you wherever. It’s such a better experience when you have no hope of an outcome.
On that note though, also do research where it needs to be done. I had to figure out visas in all my travels and what the airport/immigration needs are. Beyond that, I have literally booked hotels while en route to the next place and have been staying in the most amazing accommodations (see my Instagram highlights if you don’t believe me @thefijianchef) just by booking last minute with no research. I am trying to avoid the whole rabbit hole of reviews and planning for hours, and it has served me beyond fine. Do the necessary research but don't let overplanning rule your travels.
Magic is really all around you. Whether it’s traveling or not, you just need to be open to it. I was asked yesterday what have been the lowlights of my trip and I could honestly say that there has not been one single second (scooter fare argument included) that has been negative. It has all been magical. But I am also seeing the silver lining in all things and having gratitude for every experience. And having that mindset has helped create magic. I have no expectations and everything after that is a bonus. Try to encompass that same energy- everything, including just waking up, is a bonus. xo